

Contains information specific to an NM_CUSTOMDRAW (tree view) notification message sent by a tree-view control

Global Const $tagNMTVCUSTOMDRAW = $tagNMHDR & ";uint DrawStage;hwnd HDC;int Left;int Top;int Right;int Bottom;" & _
        "ptr ItemSpec;uint ItemState;int ItemParam;int ClrText;int ClrTextBk;int Level"



$tagNMHDR Contains information about a notification message
DrawStage Current drawing stage. This value is one of the following:
Global Values:
  $CDDS_POSTERASE - After the erasing cycle is complete
  $CDDS_POSTPAINT - After the painting cycle is complete
  $CDDS_PREERASE - Before the erasing cycle begins
  $CDDS_PREPAINT - Before the painting cycle begins
Item-specific Values:
  $CDDS_ITEM - Indicates that the ItemSpec, ItemState, and ItemParam members are valid
  $CDDS_ITEMPOSTERASE - After an item has been erased
  $CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT - After an item has been drawn
  $CDDS_ITEMPREERASE - Before an item is erased
  $CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT - Before an item is drawn
  $CDDS_SUBITEM - Flag combined with $CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT or $CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT if a subitem is being drawn
HDC Handle to the control's device context
Left X coordinate of upper left corner of bounding rectangle being drawn
Top Y coordinate of upper left corner of bounding rectangle being drawn
Right X coordinate of lower right corner of bounding rectangle being drawn
Bottom Y coordinate of lower right corner of bounding rectangle being drawn
ItemSpec Item number
ItemState Current item state. This value is a combination of the following:
  $CDIS_CHECKED - The item is checked
  $CDIS_DEFAULT - The item is in its default state
  $CDIS_DISABLED - The item is disabled
  $CDIS_FOCUS - The item is in focus
  $CDIS_GRAYED - The item is grayed
  $CDIS_HOT - The item is currently under the pointer
  $CDIS_INDETERMINATE - The item is in an indeterminate state
  $CDIS_MARKED - The item is marked
  $CDIS_SELECTED - The item is selected
  $CDIS_SHOWKEYBOARDCUES - The item is a keyboard cue
ItemParam Application defined item data
ClrText The color that will be used to display text foreground in the control
ClrTextBk The color that will be used to display text background in the control
Level Zero based level of the item being drawn



$CDxx_ constants require WindowsConstants.au3

