

Retrieves the text information from the version-information resource of the specified binary module.

#Include <WinAPIEx.au3>
_WinAPI_VerQueryValueEx ( $hModule [, $sValues [, $iLanguage]] )


$hModule The handle to a module to retrieve information. Also, this parameter can specify the name of the
module to load, it must be a full or relative path. If this parameter is 0 or an empty string, that is
equivalent to passing in a handle to the module used to create the current process.
$sValues [可选参数] The string containing the field names for which you want to get values. The names must be separated
by a "|". For example, "name1|name2|...|namei". If some fields do not exist, the corresponding array
elements is an empty string. If this parameter is not specified (empty string), uses the reserved
names (12) in the following sequence.

$iLanguage [可选参数] The language identifier of the version-information resource of interest. To retrieve information for
user default language set this parameter to $LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT. To retrieve information for all
languages that are located in the resource set this parameter to (-1).


Success The 2D array of the string values that specified by $sValues parameter for each language. The zeroth
array element [0][0] contains the number of languages of the resource. The array dimension (i) equal
to the number specified parameters + 1. The zeroth array element [n][0] contains the language
identifier (ID).
[0][0] - Number of languages (n)
[0][i] - Unused
[n][0] - ID
[n][i] - Value
失败: 返回 0 并设置 @error 标志为非 0 值.


The identifier (ID) of the version-information resource should be equal to 1, otherwise the function fails.





#Include <APIConstants.au3>
#Include <Array.au3>
#Include <WinAPIEx.au3>

Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)

Global $Data = _WinAPI_VerQueryValueEx(@ScriptDir & '\Extras\Resources.dll', 'FileDescription|FileVersion|OriginalFilename', -1)

If IsArray($Data) Then
    For $i = 1 To $Data[0][0]
        $Data[$i][0] = _WinAPI_GetLocaleInfo($Data[$i][0], $LOCALE_SLANGUAGE)

_ArrayDisplay($Data, '_WinAPI_VerQueryValueEx')